外眼看日照|外国小朋友眼中的日照| Rizhao in the Eye of Foreign Kids

2022-10-20 09:15:30 来源: 海报新闻 作者: 李婷

  大众网·海报新闻记者 李婷 牟怡晓 日照报道

  By Li Ting, Mu Qiaxiao in Rizhao|Dazhong News


  In the morning of October 14, “Foreigners in Rizhao” activity was held in Rizhao Yaohua International School. Teachers and students participated in activities like curling, basketball, rope skipping and shooting. During the activity, the campus had become the ocean of joy, students took part in the activities that they were interested in in groups, beyond limitation of classes and grades. Many of them said that they learned lots of knowledge while playing.


  “We played some activities like basketball or shooting and I think both activities were really fun” : Lian from Cuba said happily. “I enjoy living in Rizhao and I love living in China”: Spanish teacher Lua said that. The unique and interesting activities make the kids enjoy themselves a lot.


